Get FlyingPress


4.14.4 – 25 June, 2024

  • Improvement: New logo and color scheme to match our updated branding

4.14.3 – 19 June, 2024

  • Improvement: Disable conflicting optimizations in Perfmatters only if they are enabled in FlyingPress
  • Improvement: Concise, clearer optimization descriptions in the UI
  • Fix: An error of undefined constant GLOB_BRACE in non GNU systems

4.14.2 – 12 June, 2024

  • Fix: Pages got downloaded as gzipped file in OpenLiteSpeed server post v4.14 release
  • Fix: FlyingCDN was failing to cache pages due to missing headers in OpenLiteSpeed

4.14.1 – 11 June, 2024

  • Fix: Double GZIP Compression of cached files resulted in gibberish output for some websites post v4.14
  • Fix: YouTube placeholder images were not lazily loaded post v4.13.5

4.14.0 – 10 June, 2024

  • New: GZIP pre-compression for cached files, resulting in approximately 80% reduction in cache file size and improved performance
  • Improvement: Compatibility for Nginx Helper plugin
  • Improvement: Do not cache Pretty Links
  • Improvement: Superadmins can now access the FlyingPress dashboard in a multisite network
  • Improvement: Do not minify JavaScript files that are empty or already minified
  • Improvement: Purge FlyingCDN cache while deactivating FlyingPress
  • Improvement: Purge FlyingCDN cache while purging a single page
  • Improvement: Decode non-ASCII characters from an URL while generating and purging cache
  • Fix: A warning of undefined property stdClass:$plugin in the SureCart plugin updater
  • Fix: An error in the PolyLang integration caused by non-existent taxonomy terms
  • Fix: An empty line before list of URLs in preload.txt sometimes caused the preload to hang

4.13.5 – 16 May, 2024

  • Improvement: Add CDN headers right after caching the page for faster caching in FlyingCDN
  • Improvement: Check for sufficient permissions before purging and preloading cache from the CLI context
  • Improvement: Efficiently get elements by attribute in the HTML parser
  • Improvement: Keep WP native lazy loading enabled for better compatibility
  • Improvement: Do not optimize images inside noscript tags
  • Improvement: Upgrade some dependencies for enhanced performance
  • Fix: Error while using lazy render controls inside Divi builder plugin
  • Fix: Generating separate cache for mobile getting disabled after upgrading
  • Fix: Error while unpacking arrays with string keys in PHP <= 8.0

4.13.4 – 20 April, 2024

  • Improvement: Cache compatibility for WeGlot URL translation
  • Improvement: Leverage WordPress HTTP API to download third party resources for better compatibility

4.13.3 – 13 April, 2024

  • Improvement: Better used CSS detection

4.13.2 – 12 April, 2024

  • Improvement: Enhanced stability for the complete removal of unused CSS, ensuring a more reliable performance
  • Improvement: Logic behind the Image Optimizer has been simplified for better efficiency
  • Fix: Gravatar images inside srcset were not self-hosted correctly
  • Fix: Website assets were still using old CDN URLs whereas new FlyingCDN was active

4.13.1 – 05 April, 2024

  • Fix: Custom CDN URL not working after last update

4.13.0 – 05 April, 2024

  • New: Unveiling the new FlyingCDN, powered by Cloudflare Enterprise. Visit
  • Improvement: Streamlined purging process for post taxonomies
  • Improvement: Auto purge and preload WeGlot translated URLs
  • Improvement: Added ‘gad_source’ to default ignore query list
  • Improvement: Responsive images uses native auto sizes
  • Fix: Missing trailing slash in the page URL resulted in invalid cache file names in certain cases

4.12.0 – 28 March, 2024

  • New: FlyingPress is now compatible with WeGlot translation
  • Fix: A notice regarding the redeclaration of controls with same name in Elementor
  • Fix: Undefined array key HTTP_HOST in CLI context
  • Fix: Post 4.11 release website styles got broken in certain cases

4.11.0 – 18 March, 2024

  • New: WP CLI commands for preload cache, purge pages , purge everything and activate license, try wp flying-press
  • Improvement: Efficient logic for checking if WP_CACHE constant is set
  • Improvement: Adjusted FlyingPress controls after custom css toggle in Elementor
  • Improvement: Higher loading priority for preloaded fonts
  • Improvement: Upgraded assets minification library
  • Fix: Adding display=swap to encoded Google font URLs resulted in invalid font
  • Fix: A warning while fetching WooCommerce product categories

4.10.3 – 01 March, 2024

  • Fix: Error rendering some blocks inside the Gutenberg block editor after v4.10
  • Fix: Cache file name change via filter hook resulted in invalid cache file generation

4.10.2 – 29 February, 2024

  • Improvement: Lazy Render toggle for Elementor legacy section elements
  • Fix: Post v4.10 release , preload not starting after purging everything

4.10.1 – 28 February, 2024

  • New: Filter hook to disable FlyingPress footprint
  • Improvement: Enhanced SVG compatibility for the new Lazy Render
  • Fix: A warning regarding cache include queries

4.10 – 27 February, 2024

  • Removed: CSS Lazy Render based on content visibility
  • New: JS Lazy Render, read more in docs
  • New: CDN cache headers to support wide range of CDN/proxy cache providers
  • Improvement: Enhanced and more memory efficient capturing of elements in the HTML parser
  • Fix: A warning of invalid argument supplied to foreach

4.9.5 – 5 February, 2024

  • Fix: Incorrect license notice even after reactivation
  • Fix: Prevent auto purge on post type nav_menu_item
  • Fix: Deprecation notice on PHP 8.2

4.9.4 – 31 January, 2024

  • Fix: Licensing in multisite installations

4.9.3 – 30 January, 2024

  • Improvement: Migrate to SureCart for license management

4.9.2 – 16 January, 2024

  • Improvement: HTML elements finding is 2000% more faster
  • Improvement: Google fonts are now downloaded separately for enhanced efficiency and compatibility

4.9.1 – 12 January, 2024

  • Fix: Enhanced support for CSS @imports in CSS minify
  • Fix: Prevent rewriting to self-hosted Google Fonts when not downloaded correctly
  • Fix: Self-host YouTube thumbnails in JPG format instead of WebP
  • Fix: Leftover ? issue while removing cache_bust query parameter

4.9.0 – 29 December, 2023

  • New: Implemented a more efficient cache purging strategy
  • Improvement: Enhanced compatibility with Perfmatters plugin
  • Improvement: Compatibility with EWWW Image Optimizer plugin
  • Improvement: Compatibility with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
  • Improvement: Optimized cache page counting by considering folders only
  • Improvement: Default include query parameters to always cache
  • Fix: An error while updating product categories during stock updates

4.8.0 – 5 December, 2023

  • Removed: \’Generate separate cache for mobile\’ from UI, available via filter (refer
  • New: Cache include parameters – Query parameters for which separate cache should be generated
  • New: Advanced settings pages for fine-tuning
  • New: Exclude specific user roles when cache for logged in users is enabled via filter
  • New: Purge integrated Cloudflare cache in Cloudways
  • Improvement: Compatibility with the Cloudways Breeze plugin
  • Improvement: Replace all error control operators with appropriate checking
  • Improvement: Purge WooCommerce product categories and tags while updating stock
  • Improvement: Add WP Meteor to the incompatible plugin list
  • Improvement: Prevent caching of FlyingPress Rest API endpoints
  • Fix: A deprecation notice on PHP >= 8.2

4.7.0 – 16 November, 2023

  • New: Enable/disable cache preloading after saving settings and other relevant events
  • Improvement: Purge Cloudflare APO cache when a list of pages are purged
  • Improvement: Add plugin to list of incompatible plugins
  • Improvement: Use deregister instead of dequeue for Woo cart fragments
  • Improvement: Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4
  • Improvement: Minor UI improvements
  • Fix: Rest APIs calls not working when slash is forced in the URL

4.6.8 – 1 November, 2023

  • Improvement: Contact support directly from the plugin dashboard
  • Improvement: Added FlyingPress footprint with cached timestamp
  • Improvement: Purge parent categories on updating WooCommerce product
  • Fix: cache_bust not removed in some cases

4.6.7 – 26 September, 2023

  • Fix: Entire pages cache getting cleared on updating any post after the latest upgrade
  • Fix: Error when WCML is active but multi-currency is not enabled

4.6.6 – 22 September, 2023

  • Improvement: Purge cache before preloading in Scheduled preload
  • Improvement: Better cache purging while updating templates in different page builders
  • Improvement: Remove WooCommerce block styles when block editor CSS is disabled in Bloat settings
  • Fix: Compatibility with YITH multi-currency switcher plugin
  • Fix: Compatibility with WCML multi-currency switcher plugin
  • Fix: Distorted srcset attribute after hosting gravatar images locally

4.6.5 – 14 August, 2023

  • Fix: Incorrect image size when using responsive images with FlyingCDN

4.6.4 – 7 August, 2023

  • Fix: Scroll triggering clicks on mobile when JS files are delayed
  • Fix: Warning when images have non-numerical width or height
  • Fix: Empty needle warning in PHP < 8
  • Improvement: Auto purge on saving in ACF options page

4.6.3 – 18 July, 2023

  • Fix: YouTube placeholder breaking in some cases
  • Improvement: Better warnings in settings page

4.6.2 – 18 July, 2023

  • Improvement: Delay all JS is now compatible with more scripts

4.6.1 – 6 July, 2023

  • Fix: Compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher plugin
  • Fix: BuddyBoss theme compatibility to prevent 401 errors while saving settings

4.6.0 – 3 July, 2023

  • New: Host Gravatar images locally
  • Fix: Remove cache_bust string when encoded

4.5.7 – 22 June, 2023

  • Improvement: Compatibility with SG Optimizer (SiteGround)
  • Improvement: Prevent caching of password protected pages

4.5.6 – 13 June, 2023

  • Fix: Incorrect preloading of images with srcset
  • Improvement: Updated library for CSS and JS minify

4.5.5 – 10 June, 2023

  • Fix: Inline background images not loading with lazy loading enabled

4.5.4 – 9 June, 2023

  • Fix: Cached pages not serving for mobile in some cases

4.5.3 – 7 June, 2023

  • Improvement: Preload post thumbnail image and exclude from lazy loading
  • Improvement: Use WebP images for YouTube placeholder
  • Improvement: Calculate height if only width is present, and vice versa
  • Improvement: Prevent double purging in Cloduflare APO
  • Improvement: Better detection of robots.txt and sitemap to exclude from caching
  • Fix: Skip adding width and height if it\’s already present
  • Fix: Encoding attribute values in HTML parsing

4.5.2 – 31 May, 2023

  • Improvement: Add width and height of Gravatar images
  • Improvement: Support for TranslatePress
  • Improvement: Prevent altering images inside script tags
  • Improvement: Prevent data URI images from being preloaded
  • Improvement: Added version number in settings
  • Improvement: Theme detection in usage tracking
  • Improvement: CDN rewrite when URL is not full path
  • Fix: Check full URL against keywords in exclude pages from caching
  • Fix: Purge and preload cache when a scheduled post is published
  • Fix: Warning on updating WooCommerce product via Rest API

4.5.1 – 25 May, 2023

  • Improvement: Keep execution order of JavaScript when delayed
  • Improvement: General support for all translation plugins
  • Improvement: Integration for WPML and Polylang
  • Improvement: Static files are now stored in root cache directory
  • Improvement: Better detection of URLs to preload
  • Fix: Auto purge and preload when permalink of a post is changed
  • Fix: Warnings from Cloudways Varnish integration
  • Fix: Preloading getting stuck in some cases

4.5.0 – 19 May, 2023

  • New: Self-generate preload list, eliminating the need for a sitemap when preloading
  • New: Significant reduction in CPU usage by 300% during cache preloading
  • New: Delay preload by 0.5s between each page to avoid server overload
  • New: Added a filter to adjust the 0.5s delay in preloading cache
  • New: Added a filter to modify the JavaScript delay timeout
  • Improvement: Update license status from reactivation
  • Fix: Resolved PHP warning encountered during cache purging and preloading
  • Fix: Hashing query strings to generate cache file names to avoid long file names
  • Fix: License activation in multisite subfolder installations

4.4.0 – 12 May, 2023

  • New: Export or import configuration
  • New: Manually activate or change license key
  • New: Usage tracking to improve the plugin
  • Improvement: Automatically purge SpinupWP cache
  • Improvement: Only cache pages with 200 status code
  • Fix: Incorrect HTML attribute detection in some cases

4.3.1 – 9 April, 2023

  • Improvement: Preload post cache when a comment is manually approved
  • Fix: Remove Google Fonts option removing tags in the same line
  • Fix: Incorrect preloading of responsive images

4.3.0 – 6 April, 2023

  • New: Bloat remover!
  • Improvement: License activation for multisites
  • Improvement: Process @rules without nesting in remove unused css
  • Fix: Automatic purging of WP Engine throwing errors
  • Fix: Cache file name when there is array in query strings
  • Fix: Filter for disable cache preloading
  • Fix: Duplicate preload tags when multiple title tags are found
  • Fix: Warnings on caching and preloading

4.2.3 – 29 March, 2023

  • Improvement: Automatically purge RunCloud, WP Engine and GridPane cache
  • Improvement: Check parent directory for wp-config.php if not found
  • Fix: Get sitemap URL from SEOPress

4.2.2 – 16 March, 2023

  • Fix: Serve mobile cache using PHP when web server is not available

4.2.1 – 16 March, 2023

  • Fix: Unable to add products after v4.2.0

4.2.0 – 16 March, 2023

  • New: Generate separate cache for mobile
  • Improvement: Auto purging on saving ACF fields

4.1.0 – 07 March, 2023

  • New: Automatically purge Kinsta and cache
  • New: Filter to disable cache preloading
  • New: Filter to modify optimized HTML
  • Improvement: Add crossorigin to preload fonts
  • Improvement: Remove ?cache_bust query string
  • Fix: Prevent unwanted purge and preload on saving navigation menus

4.0.7 – 24 February, 2023

  • Improvement: Auto purge WooCommerce product and related pages on batch update
  • Improvement: Better HTML page detection

4.0.6 – 23 February, 2023

  • Fix: Automatic updates not available in some sites
  • Improvement: Generate separate cache for different roles when logged in
  • Improvement: Give warning when WP_CACHE is defined in wp-config.php
  • Improvement: Better HTML page detection

4.0.5 – 21 February, 2023

  • Improvement: Remove existing WP_CACHE constant from wp-config.php
  • Improvement: Add WP Optimize to incompatible plugins list

4.0.4 – 17 February, 2023

  • Improvement: Use HTTP/2 for cache preloading
  • Fix: Defer not applied to multline scripts
  • Fix: Remove whitespace in scripts after delaying
  • Fix: Bypass caching for Bricks Builder editing pages

4.0.3 – 16 February, 2023

  • Fix: Verify wp-config.php file exists and write permission
  • Fix: Prevent Optimize Google Fonts removing other link tags
  • Fix: Skip processing non-standard inline scripts
  • Fix: Add display-swap to font-face with single rule

4.0.2 – 15 February, 2023

  • Fix: A typo in image preload tag
  • Fix: Parsing of style attributes with quotes
  • Fix: Exclude above fold images was applying even lazy loading is disabled

4.0.1 – 14 February, 2023

  • Fix: Get correct Rest API URL in subfolder installation

4.0.0 – 13 February, 2023

  • Read our blog post before updating:

3.10.0 – 20 December, 2022

  • New: Cloudflare APO compatibility – Automatically purge CF APO cache when purging FlyingPress

3.9.0 – 29 April, 2022

  • New: Fetchpriority attribute for images, fonts and css files
  • New: Decoding (syn/async) attribute for images
  • Removed: Feature to disable jQuery migrate
  • Removed: Option to use JavaScript lazy load (will use browser native by default)

3.8.0 – 21 December, 2021

  • New: Disable jQuery migrate
  • Removed: FlyingCDN integration (migrate to FlyingCDN Wallet –
  • Improvement: Purge necessary pages when updating WooCommerce product via API
  • Fix: Broken \’Open a ticket\’ link
  • Fix: Responsive images not available after mgirating to FlyingCDN Wallet

3.7.0 – 22 November, 2021

  • New: Keyless activation – No need to enter license key!

3.6.0 – 10 September, 2021

  • New: Responsive images using FlyingCDN
  • Fix: Preload image from srcset if found

3.5.0 – 12 June, 2021

  • New: Use placeholder images for YouTube videos
  • New: Self-host YouTube placeholder images
  • Removed: Settings for lazy loading videos (will be enabled by default)
  • Fix: Ignore empty keywords in list
  • Fix: Incorrect ABSPATH is some hosting providers

3.4.0 – 07 June, 2021

  • New: Enable or disable scripts to load on user interaction
  • New: Only \”safe\” optimizations are enabled by default
  • Fix: x-flying-press-source header will display LiteSpeed or Apache
  • Fix: Use get_id() instead of ID for WooCommerce compatibility
  • Improvement: Remove async attribute when defer is enabled
  • Improvement: Minor UI improvements

3.3.0 – 29 May, 2021

  • New: Defer inline JavaScript
  • Removed: Exclude jQuery from defer
  • Removed: Fix render-blocking jQuery scripts
  • Improvement: Better detection of CSS and JS files
  • Fix: Purge and preload WooCommerce products when updated via Rest API
  • Tweak: Added SG Optimizer to non-compatible plugins

3.2.0 – 19 May, 2021

  • New: Enable beta versions
  • Improvement: Register user interaction listeners only when needed

3.1.0 – 31 Mar, 2021

  • New: Lazy Render! Skip rendering of elements until needed

3.0.0 – 01 Mar, 2021

  • New: New HTML parsing engine!
  • Improvement: 2x cache preload time
  • Improvement: 5x-10x lower server resource usage
  • Improvement: Notifications after saving settings now floats above all
  • Tweak: Enable adding width and height attributes by default
  • Tweak: Added common list of 3rd party scripts to load on user interaction
  • Fix: Use WP_CONTENT_URL and WP_CONTENT_DIR constants instead of hard-coded values
  • Fix: Prevent base64 images from preloading
  • Fix: Preload only first feature image
  • Fix: Lazy loading iFrames added using Thrive Architect
  • Fix: Overwrite existing font-display to enable swap when fallback font enabled

2.13.0 – 08 Feb, 2021

  • Tweak: Remove self-hosting internal CSS
  • Fix: Add gzip when not enabled in server
  • Fix: Prevent parsing of HTML twice

2.12.0 – 05 Feb, 2021

  • New: Auto purge Varnish cache
  • New: Added hooks after purging cache (for 3rd party integrations)
  • Tweak: Default settings – switched lazy loading to Browser Native
  • Tweak: Default settings – disabled exclude jQuery from defer
  • Tweak: Default settings – enabled fix render-blocking jQuery Scripts
  • Tweak: Generate Critical & Used CSS only when CSS Minify is enabled

2.11.0 – 04 Feb, 2021

  • New: Support for Multisites

2.10.0 – 31 Jan, 2021

  • New: Auto preload images excluded from lazy loading
  • Tweak: Disable WordPress inbuilt lazy loading
  • Fix: Incorrect icon in Cache settings

2.9.0 – 21 Jan, 2021

  • New: Auto change hash of minified files when CDN is enabled/disabled
  • New: Minify JS files having .min.js extension

2.8.0 – 07 Jan, 2021

  • New: Force include CSS selectors in Critical & Used CSS
  • New: Added UTF-8 encoding for cached pages
  • Fix: Empty imagesrcset and imagesizes on preload tag
  • Fix: Exclude images not respecting background images
  • Tweak: UI improvements

2.7.0 – 04 Dec, 2020

  • New: Database Cleaner
  • Tweak: Minor UI improvements
  • Fix: Detect dynamic classes from delayed JS files
  • Fix: Continue serving page on parsing failure

2.6.0 – 30 Oct, 2020

  • New: Add missing width & height attributes to images
  • New: Separate options to purge CSS/JS/Fonts and Critical/Used CSS
  • Tweak: Changed default image lazy loading method to JavaScript
  • Tweak: Allow \’space\’ character in keyword input fields
  • Tweak: Updated cookie list to bypass cache
  • Tweak: Confirmation before purging Critical/Used CSS
  • Tweak: Increased Critical/Used CSS generation API timeout
  • Tweak: UI improvements

2.5.0 – 23 Oct, 2020

  • New: Ignore custom query strings
  • Fix: Only preload images from origin site
  • Fix: Prevent preloading all features images in archives

2.4.0 – 22 Oct, 2020

  • New: Preload critical images
  • New: Cache Lifespan – Automatically purge and preload cache after a lifespan
  • Tweak: Disable optimize for logged in users by default

2.3.0 – 15 Oct, 2020

  • New: Purge current page
  • New: View site without any optimization (?no_optimize)
  • New: Support for Jilt cookies
  • Fix: Undefined index warnings

2.2.0 – 03 Oct, 2020

  • Preload fonts – Prioritize loading fonts that required immediately for the render
  • Additional auto purge – purge pages when a post is published/updated
  • Preload cache automatically after post is published/updated
  • UI improvements

2.1.0 – 26 Sept, 2020

  • Generate separate critical CSS and \’used\’ CSS
  • Removed minifying and separating inline styles
  • Automatically purge blog archive page
  • New Facebook group link for FlyingPress community
  • Removed roadmap

2.0.0 – 10 Sept, 2020

  • Generate cache locally
  • Speed up cache generation by around 10x
  • Purge cached pages (HTML files) alone
  • Support server side caching layers by disabling inbuilt cache
  • Automatically exclude WooCommerce cart, checkout, account page from caching
  • Exclude pages from caching
  • Caching without having a sitemap
  • Detect native sitemap
  • Optimize for logged in users
  • Lazy load videos
  • Other bugs fixes and improvements

1.0.0 – 31 Jul, 2020

  • Stable release!