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Introducing Smart Link Preloading

Smart Link Preloading

Website speed is crucial for user experience, and Smart Link Preloading in FlyingPress makes navigation lightning-fast. By predicting where users will click, it preloads those pages in advance for seamless browsing.

Smart Link

How It Works

  • Desktop: Hovering over a link triggers preloading nearby links. A longer hover prerenders the entire page, ensuring instant loading when clicked.
  • Mobile: Without hover, FlyingPress preloads all visible links in the viewport as you scroll, making taps feel snappy and quick.

Key Benefits

  • Instant Page Loads: Near-zero Time to First Byte (TTFB) means faster access to content.
  • Smooth User Experience: Quick transitions keep visitors engaged and satisfied.
  • Enhanced Performance: Real-world gains in Core Web Vitals, including faster Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), benefit actual users.

All powered by a lightweight script under 1KB, Smart Link Preloading is a simple way to boost your site’s speed and experience. Try it out with FlyingPress!

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